The Main House

If you're thinking of moving to a bucolic rural setting but want to try before you buy, or just want to spend some time in the country, check us out.. This is not a cottage, it's a year-round, fully winterized, passive solar home with all the amenities for comfort. This beautiful and private location on 50 acres is in the heartland of Central Ontario, off highway 11 and outside the town of Powassan, and only 20 minutes south of North Bay. Its a 3 hour drive straight north of downtown Toronto.
-2700 sq. feet of living space
- 3 bedroom, 1 & 1/2 bathrooms
-full cook's kitchen
-situated on a very quiet road, no traffic
- Ideal for the active, peace-seeking person who is looking for a full, enriching life. Hunting, fishing, birdwatching, skiing, canoeing, hiking, exploring, photography-- suitable for the independant, creative, and/or retired couple who love being surrounded by nature.
We are looking to rent this home for $1300.00 per month, excluding electricity and phone. In short, we would rather have the house occupied and well-looked after instead of vacant. We are currently looking for tenants to stay a minimum of 4 months beginning Dec 1, 2012.
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